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Wardrobe | Confidence

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Original price $1,055.00
Current price $896.75

Description: Frame and fronts covered with artisan oak effect foil. Edges with the same finish. Some parts (uprights, crossbars, corners) are made from MDF covered with artisan oak effect foil. Handles: inset brown aluminum. Drawer frames made from particleboard covered with fabric-effect polypropylene on grey roller drawer runners. Soft-close mechanism on doors and drawers.

Wardrobe with 3 hinged doors including 1 door with mirror, positioned in the center or to the right.

Wardrobe with 2 sliding doors 1/2 shelving (4 shelves), 1/2 hanging space (2 rails, 1 shelf), 1 mirror with clear silvered glass

3 doors 220 W x 60 D x 222 H cm
Sliding 191 W x 63 D x 217 H cm

Reference Number: 
3 doors 022-010-00329N
Sliding 022-010-00330N

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